An autocompletion menu is shown, showing an 'inline math' autocompletion and information about it. An autocompletion menu is shown, containing an HTML tag autocompletion. The snippet code for the autocompletion is also shown: '<${1:tag}>${2:content}</${1:tag}>${}'


Exposes CodeMirror 6's built-in support for autocompletion and snippets.

Additional Information

Maintainers: personalizedrefrigerator
Minimum app version:2.14
Downloads: This version:350
Last updated:2024-04-29T05:38:49Z

CodeMirror 6 snippets

This plugin does two things:

  1. Exposes CodeMirror 6's built-in support for snippets.
  2. Enables CodeMirror 6's built-in autocomplete support.

Version requirements

  • Requires Joplin 2.14.6 or greater.
  • The beta CodeMirror 6 editor must be enabled.
    • This editor can be enabled in the "general" tab of Joplin's settings screen.

Custom snippets

This plugin supports custom snippets using CodeMirror's snippet syntax.

To specify custom snippets:

  1. Create a new note
  2. Copy a link to that note (right-click > copy markdown link)
    • Screenshot: Copy markdown link in right click menu
  3. Paste the link to that note into the settings page for this plugin
    • Screenshot: The settings page for the plugin has a single input, labeled "Link to note with custom snippets"

Example snippet note

Below, headings are the text a user would type to activate the completion.

A completion can be activated by pressing Tab or Enter.

# original-text

This is what "original-text" will be replaced with.

This is a comment.

# 2x2-table


| ${Column 1} | ${Column 2} |
| ${a       } | ${b       } |


# im

"im" stands for "inline math". Notice that below, a language ("tex" in this case) can be specified for the snippet block. Doing so doesn't affect the snippet.

$#{math-here}$ #{}

# html-tag

Creates an HTML tag with no attributes.


Above, the `1:tag` means that _that_ part of the snippet template should be filled in first (and
both `1:tag`s at the same time).

# example-2

Use more than three backticks to include triple backticks in the snippet

# Example custom snippet

This snippet is registered as an autocompletion for the text "example-2". Because its snippet uses four backticks,
it can inculde triple-backtick code blocks:

a code block

After editing a snippet note, snippets can be reloaded by clicking Edit, then Reload snippets.

Customizing keyboard shortcuts

It's possible to override the default CodeMirror 6 snippet shortcuts by adding a keybindings: line, then a code block, to the beginning of the snippets note.

For example,

Keybinding overrides go at the beginning of the note.


	"acceptCompletion": ["Tab"],
	"startCompletion": ["Ctrl-Space"],
	"nextSuggestion": ["ArrowDown"],
	"previousSuggestion": ["ArrowUp"],
	"nextSuggestionPage": ["PageDown"],
	"previousSuggestionPage": ["PageUp"],
	"closeCompletion": ["Escape"],

	"nextSnippetField": ["Tab"],
	"prevSnippetField": ["Shift-Tab"],
	"clearSnippet": ["Escape"]

# Snippet

Snippets go here.

Example snippet

Above, the keybindings configuration omits "Enter" from the list of keybindings associated with acceptCompletion.

To disable a command, map it to the empty array:


	"closeCompletion": []